Well, since I've been here for 3 weeks now, I've seen a fair bit of the city. However, there is one area that I've been to more than all of the others: The South Bank. The South Bank of the Thames, from the London Bridge (not the Tower Bridge) to the London Eye is my favorite place to walk. It is an area filled with culture and sights to see.
Starting at London Bridge, the walk passes Southwark Cathedral (believed to be the oldest cathedral church in London). The next major attraction on the South Bank is Shakespeare's Globe. Just a short walk away from the Globe is the Tate Modern and the Millennium Bridge. Between the Tate Modern and the London Eye is an area filled with culture. There are areas for cultural festivals (I went to a Turkish festival today), street vendors, a skate park, and restaurants among many other things. When you reach the London Eye, you can see the houses of Parliament just across the river and it is a magnificent sight (especially at night).
Though I walked on the South Bank Walk by myself, I still got to see some amazing things on class field trips. The class that I took was about Victorian London and the context of the Jack the Ripper murders. We went on 3 class trips. The first was to look at the West End of London, the Second was the East End, and the third was to the London Museum. My favorite of these was to the London Museum (which is exactly what it sounds like, a museum of London's history). My favorite part was the Victorian area and an exhibition called the Pleasure Gardens. It was all very interactive and a lot of fun.
I know that I am going to miss everywhere that I have been and everyone that I have met while I was here. I can't believe that it's already been 3 weeks and I only have a couple of days left.
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